3 Ways to Eat More Mindfully

I totally get it -- life is busy and often, we eat on the run. Sometimes, that's unavoidable. But more often than not, this can be avoided by planning your schedule more in detail. Spending a few moments every morning (or the night before) setting your schedule up for the day to maximize your time and efforts. Make an effort to schedule time to sit down and eat your meals with no distraction, when possible. Your digestion will thank you.

You may think that as I am a Holistic Health Coach and Mindfulness Guide I have this down. But you would be wrong. I have always been a fast eater, even though I love food! So this is a work in progress for me as well.

​Practicing mindfulness as you eat is a way of fully engaging with the experience of nourishing your body. It allows us to be more aware and appreciative of food's flavors, smells, textures, and shapes.

To practice mindfulness as you eat, set aside all distractions, such as phones or TVs, and be present with your meal. When you take a bite, focus on chewing it slowly and savoring each flavor that comes from it—noticing the smell and texture.

Here are 3 ways you can slow down and eat more mindfully:

1. Give gratitude with each meal. Stop for a few moments before each meal. Give gratitude, check in with yourself, breathe deeply, and enjoy your quiet moment.

2. Put your fork down between bites. This helps you not gobble your meal down, and also helps with tip #3, which is...

3. Chew each bite 20 times before swallowing. This can be hard to get used to, but it's such a helpful tip! Making sure you chew each bite thoroughly helps you digest your food better, and helps you slow down.

Take mental breaks throughout your meal for self-reflection; recognize how your body feels after each bite and allow yourself to notice when you've had enough. Finally, take a few moments afterward for gratitude; thank yourself for taking the time to appreciate this meal. Practicing mindfulness as you eat can train your mind to be more mindful of other daily tasks and ultimately create balance in your life.