6 Habits That Can Simplify Your Life

If you have been feeling overwhelmed by life lately, whether in your daily routine, your home, or just your mindset, then it is time to simplify it. The best way to do that is by starting with your daily habits and adjusting your routine so that you still get things done, but with much more ease and intention.

Here are 6 habits that can help you start simplifying your life right now.

1. Start Your Day with a Simple Morning Routine

The first habit that can help simplify your life starts right when you wake up, with your morning routine. You really want to have a simple morning routine with just a few habits you go through. Try to avoid overwhelming yourself and making your morning routine super busy and chaotic.

This means customizing your morning routine for you and nobody else. It can be tempting to look at what other people do in their morning routines, but if it doesn’t feel right for you, then you can skip these habits. Instead, focus on just a few habits in the morning that set you up for the day, boost your mood, and help simplify your life.

This can be as simple as journaling, doing a few minutes of meditation, and making your coffee. These are short, simple, calming habits that help get your morning started, and will help to simplify your life a little bit.

2. Have Straightforward Task and To-Do Lists

It is great to have to-do lists and tasks you want to focus on each day, but don’t overwhelm yourself with them. They should be very simple and straightforward, and realistic to be done each day or week. Instead of having dozens of things to do every day or week, just keep it to what absolutely needs to be done in order to make your life easier and still be productive.

One method many people like to use is the most important tasks, or MITs. These are generally 2-3 things you do every morning to cross off your to-do list. That way, once they are out of the way, the rest of your time is spent on the more “optional” tasks, but if something comes up or you are feeling overwhelmed, you have less stress since you got the priority tasks done and out of the way.

3. Journal Every Day

You can benefit greatly by having a journal and writing in it on a daily basis. But don’t worry, you don’t have to spend a long time or fill up even more than a single page in your journal in order to benefit from it!

Create a daily practice of writing in your journal, whether you combine it with other habits or tasks, or just do the journaling each day.

4. Create Systems for Clutter and Mail

If you get overwhelmed in your home because of clutter and disorganization, it is time to create some systems. For example, if the mail on your countertop is what is causing the most chaos in your kitchen or living room, that is a system you should start with. Have a system where every day you check the mail, sort it immediately, and have an organizational system for what to file the mile at. Turn it into a habit of sorting it right away instead of just letting it pile up.

5. Clean As You Go

Do you feel like once you get everything clean, it gets messy super fast, and then you get overwhelmed and don’t bother with it anymore? If so, you would likely benefit from the clean as you go system. This makes it to where instead of spending every weekend doing nothing but cleaning and laundry all weekend, you do just a little every day, and then have more time for yourself. This is a great way to start simplifying your life.

6. Don’t Strive for Perfection

Lastly, make sure you are not striving for perfection in any area of your life. It is great to have high hopes and standards for yourself, but don’t set yourself up for failure and self-sabotage. You are human with human needs. You need rest, you need socialization, you need to give yourself some grace.

If you want to experience these in more bite size pieces, I will be going over many of these in reels over on my ​IG account​. Follow me there and say hello!